A revolution coming across Malaysia too!

About one year ago we started asking God for open doors in East Malaysia. We wanted to do something there.. but didn't know where to start or who to connect with. But early this year the opportunity came to us and I was invited to be the speaker at the first ever Grace Revolution Malaysia Conference with 8 churches working together - even many flying in from different islands to be there!

So this past weekend we started working together with those in East Malaysia and it was a great beginning! Rarely have I ever seen churches so united together and passionate about the gospel and sharing God's grace with the world.

Again and again I was amazed by how God works out all things.. Did you know that this part of Malaysia shares a border with Indonesia? So their languages are so close that I actually could preach in the Indonesian language and they would understand me! 1 language can reach 2 nations?! Only God could set me up for that.
The crowd was an amazing group that was so on fire to hear the word I didn't even notice time go by as I preach. We went on a 3 step journey: 1) from not only having a knowledge of grace and who we are in Christ, but to seeing ourselves as that and walking it out, 2) the grace that has saved us has also called us on to a holy calling - we don't just stop at salvation, and 3) the first believers in the new covenant of grace (book of Acts) are a demonstration of how the church is called to today: where there is great grace there is great power to be a witness!

By the time the last session ended the place was in celebration mode! There was singing and dancing, the youth running around the place waving flags and praising.. it was such an atmosphere of freedom and joy!
And I was immediately invited to come back to that area as a speaker next year for a conference that will gather 1,000's of youth from all over the nation! Doors are flying open now..!

All by His receiving, enabling, changing and empowering grace,