Increasing and Expanding in 2020!! (disertai terjemahan)
Has 2020 been a hard year for you? I'm sure it has for almost all of us. And I hope today's news can encourage you that 2020 has not been...
The last thing we did before Covid (Disertai terjemahan)
The world has been a very different place for the last month. Our Bible School students have now been learning online for a month from...
Look at what God has done! (Disertai terjemahan)
I've walked through 10 years of leading World Impact Bible Institute and this is the most excited I've ever been. The new batch of...
We are going up another level! (disertai terjemahan)
Well, in many ways we are going up another level.. our ministry is growing in almost every way, but also practically speaking.. we are...