New Beginnings!
What an exciting and busy time the last few months have been!
Last month was very full in the school as we finished off the year with 3 different outreaches for the students to gain experience in reaching out! Truly taking all they had learned out to the streets - letting Jesus live big through them!
Graduation was the usual emotional day for me as I felt happy and sad. Rejoicing with our graduates in seeing them go out and do great things, but also sad to not have them with us in school each day. “It’s not the end,” I told them. “This is just the beginning”.

Lately we’ve been receiving so many exciting reports from our mission teams as well - healings, salvations and prayers answered! And I’ve seen so many of our grads really stepping up into new levels or leadership - opening doors for us to start many new areas of ministry!
I’m so excited about many new steps we are planning to take as well! God has truly been raising up an army over the past few years - now we are stepping into a season of bringing in the harvest!
And.. Not only am I excited about things happening in the ministry, but also in my personal life! As I shared with you at the beginning of this year; I’m getting married! And, that day is now less than a week away! I’m overcome with gratitude to my Father God for sending such an amazing man into my life. A man who is not only my best friend and the love of my life, but also my biggest support and now partner in the ministry. With him by my side, I am looking forward to those bigger dreams becoming a reality!
We appreciate your prayers as in these next few weeks and months we’ll be stepping into so many new things! New life together. New ministry opportunities. New steps taken to reach the nations.

So thankful for His goodness!
The other day I thought of Psalm 23 (verse 6) where it says His “goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life.” As I was saying that, I looked down and saw my own shadow.. Wherever I go, each time I step out of my house, or car, or wherever.. I see that shadow. It’s a great reminder that just as my shadow follows me - so does His goodness and mercy! I have been experiencing that so much lately! And.. I believe as you set your expectations of that goodness wherever you go - You’ll see it happening to!
Enjoy your beautiful summer - and please keep us in your prayers!
Love and blessings,