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Cambodia is being saved

My husband has put together a great video of our time in Cambodia

I was teaching my heart out about Acts 10 and 11 to the group of church planters in Cambodia – about reaching out to those who have never heard the gospel before. Then I asked the students.. “who here is from a Christian family?” and almost no one put up their hands. So I asked again, this time asking about different backgrounds and religions only to find that truly this was a whole new generation of people knowing Jesus! It was not just something passed down from their parents – as should be expected I guess considering religion was to be wiped out in their history just about 40 years ago. So.. Here I stood a generation later in front of a group of not only those attending church.. but those being trained to go open up a church! Moments like these made our time in Cambodia so special and memorable! My first time to Cambodia was about 3 years ago when I joined our church to speak at a reunion for these church planters who’d been sent out over the last 15 years. The vision was sparked by Pastor Barnabas Mam, only one of 4 pastors who survived the killing fields and returned the work in Cambodia. (His book, “behind the wire” is truly inspiring and eye opening) It was during that first trip that I saw another speaker on our team who was very handsome – and today he has become my amazing husband. This time we didn’t go back to Cambodia alone but also brought along some members from our local cell group on a mission trip to the villages! Not only did we laugh a ton and have so much fun.. but it was such a wonderful thing to see our members (some who have only been believers for a year) be able to share with others and have such a heart to be willing to do anything they could!

We were inspired by another missionary from Malaysia, Esther Ding who has given her life to Cambodia. Seeing the results of all she has done, the amount of lives transformed increased my own dreams for Indonesia! (you can also read her book, “taking root”) One of the greatest things for me to experience is when I taught the students about the baptism of the Holy Spirit. In many Asian countries there tends to be a lack of boldness, especially in countries dominated by communism which teach the people to be controlled and subdued. But when I asked the students to receive the practically ran up to the front and immediately got it! I don’t think I have ever seen such openness where people all of them can speak in tongues within seconds!

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